Completion of series of tailor-made trainings and coaching sessions in the Project Cycle Management (PCM) for the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”

On 16 February 2022, HERAS Plus completed a series of tailor-made trainings and coaching sessions in the Project Cycle Management (PCM) for the academic staff of the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” (UP).
This final event was addressed by Rector of UP, Mr. Naser Sahiti, Head of Austrian Development Agency office in Prishtina, Ms. Sandra Horina, HERAS Plus Team Leader, Mr. Aqim Emurli and UP Vice-Rector for International Relations Ms. Albulena Blakaj-Gashi. They congratulated the 20 selected academic staff on the successful completions of this program, their hard work and commitment. An official ceremony on distributing certificates took place as well.
During the period 2021-2022, HERAS Plus organized three tailor made trainings as well as coaching sessions for the 20 selected academic staff of UP, which were grouped in four teams and worked closely in developing four project proposals. The four teams build their capacities on PCM and were mentored thoroughly on advancing these concrete proposals and ready for fund-raising
This program, was designed jointly by HERAS Plus Team and the UP leadership and is part of the earmarked fund expert support for strategic development of the public universities.