Embedding the Concept of Learning Outcomes in Achieving Strategic Education Objectives final trainings

On 21 and 22 February 2023, the Project was happy to organize and deliver one-day training events for the University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica (UIBM) and University “Kadri Zeka” in Gjilan (UKZ) respectively. The theme of the training was Achieving Strategic Educational Goals through Embedding the Concept of Learning Outcomes.
The training ensured that participants from both universities have been strengthening their skills for developing the learning outcomes based on the predictions of what skills will be most needed in 2025 (The World Economic Forum, 2020). This part of the training supported universities in their aims to increase the relevance of the study programmes for the labour market needs.
Training also focuses on improving the capacities for aligning designed learning outcomes with relevant teaching, learning and assessment methods to ensure that intended learning outcomes are translated into meaningful educational plans. Last but not least, participants in the training explored the possible ways universities can continuously evaluate how well students have developed intended learning outcomes and improve the teaching, learning and assessment processes accordingly.
Overall, the training contributed to strengthening the relevance of the study programmes for the labour market needs and the quality of planning and evaluating the educational experience, both essential pillars for the educational mission of the universities.