HERAS Plus conducts a workshop on the Concept of Third Mission of Universities – Austrian Perspectives for the University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren

On Wednesday, June 15 2022, the Project facilitated a tailormade event for the University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren (UUHP) on the topic of the third mission of universities, based on the experiences and perspectives of Austria.

The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Gudrun Feucht, an international expert with extensive experience on the subject matter. The concept of the third mission of universities was elaborated in the light of concrete examples on how the third mission projects and activities are developed and implemented at three Austrian universities, namely, the University of Vienna, Technical University of Graz, and the Vienna University of Business.

Through these activities, HERAS Plus aims at building the capacities of the public higher education institution (HEI), for designing, implementing and promoting their third mission aspects – as complementary effort to teaching, learning and research. Similar activities are plan in future for the other public HEIs too.

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