Aqim Emurli

Team Leader


MEST, Str. Agim Ramadani, Prishtina, Kosovo

+383 38 241 472

Mr. Emurli is team leader of the project HERAS Plus who reports to the three-party consortium WUS Austria (lead partner), ZSI and OeAD.  Within the project, Mr. Emurli is responsible for the sound management and timely implementation of the project, as well as the efficient use of project funds and management of the project team and experts. He provides expert support in the areas of higher education, quality assurance, innovation, applied science and research development. In addition, he reviews the project deliverables, products and assessments and ensures their quality check, steers the reporting processes, ensures monitoring risks and develops risk mitigation measures as well as other contractual obligations regarding the implementation of the project in line with ADA regulations. Furthermore, Mr. Emurli fosters policy dialogue with relevant stakeholders at policy, university and research level, and provides conceptual support to Austrian Development Agency Coordination Office.

Before joining WUS Austria, Mr. Emurli has managed and lead several international organizations/projects and programmes (funded by EU, OSCE, ReSPA, UNDP and other donors) which have supported the good governance, public administration reforms, research and development, decentralization, education development, as well has provided consultancy services to ensure enhanced the institution building in the Western Balkans region (Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, BiH and Kosovo), Bulgaria, ENP countries (Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova). To this end, Mr. Emurli has assisted those countries to comply their legal framework and approaches with the good governance standards in order to boost their EU integration processes.

Noteworthy, Mr. Emurli was also a team leader of the previous project of similar scale (HERAS) implemented during the period February 2017 – March 2020.

Mr. Emurli holds a MA degree on Comparative Public Administration to European Union from the South East European University.