HERAS Plus meets with MESTI Minister Arberie Nagavci

On 16 July 2021 HERAS Plus team leader Mr. Aqim Emurli met with Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) Minister Arberie Nagavci, to discuss the ongoing implementation of the project and the overall support that the project provides towards three level of intervention: policy level, university level and research level. The Minister was informed that the project supports Kosovo to ensure more competitive and diversified public higher education and research sector in Kosovo in line with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), European Research Area (ERA).

Ms. Nagavci also outlined the priorities of the MESTI in the coming period and was happy to hear the project HERAS Plus fits very well into it, in particular issues related to institutional and policy support, higher education reforms, quality assurance processes, research promotion and innovation matters.

The Minister agreed with Mr. Emurli to have regular meetings in order the alignment of the project intervention, project results and the sustainability of its actions is ensured systematically

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