HERAS Plus supports University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren to review the quality assurance instruments

Delighted to support the University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren (UUHP) in the process of reviewing and revising the quality assurance instruments. The Project has reviewed over 20 instruments (including internal regulations, guidelines, questionnaires, and reporting templates) that are currently being used in the quality assurance (QA) process at the UUHP. The workshop to present the findings and discuss the recommendations took place on 01 September 2022.

During the workshop the Project Team provided expert opinion on how to improve the QA instruments and collected feedback from the main actors involved in the QA process at UUHP. Improvement of the overall system of QA instruments is considered an imperative for enhancing the quality assurance process in general. HERAS Plus will continue to support the UUHP in the preparation process for institutional accreditation including reviewing the draft Self Evaluation Report and also organizing mock simulations of the interview process with international accreditation experts.

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