"The impact of COVID19 on consumer food safety perception in Kosovo and Albania - an international comparison with developed countries" roundtable by Research Grant Project

On 06 September 2022, our Team leader Aqim Emurli participated in a roundtable in which the Research Grant Project “The impact of COVID19 on consumer food safety perception in Kosovo and Albania – an international comparison with developed countries” presented the findings of the research carried out in the three partner countries (Austria, Kosovo and Albania) presented the research results and discussed the policy implications. The event gathered academics, experts, farmers, and entrepreneurs, to provide input and academic insights on the project’s preliminary findings.
A successful outcome of the ongoing collaboration between the researchers from Kosovo, Albania, and Austria, is also a joint publication in the open-access SCI journal Sustainability. This study investigated consumer attitudes towards organic food products in a transition economy (Miftari, I.; Haas, R.; Meixner, O.; Imami, D.; Gjokaj, E. Factors Influencing Consumer Attitudes towards Organic Food Products in a Transition Economy—Insights from Kosovo. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5873. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14105873)
This project is coordinated by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Department of Economics and Social Sciences, and partnering with the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary/Agricultural University of Tirana and Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness).